General Taxi Transport Conditions

1. Preamble

These general transport conditions (hereinafter “General Conditions”) govern the use of taxi services offered by (hereinafter “We” or “the Company”). By booking a ride via our website, you accept these General Conditions.

2. Reservations

2.1 Reservations can be made online on our website or by phone.

2.2 The Client must provide complete and accurate information when booking. The Company will not be responsible for errors resulting from incorrect information provided by the Client.

3. Rates and Payment

3.1 Rates are calculated based on distance and travel time, according to the rates in effect at the time of booking.

3.2 Payment can be made by credit card, in cash, or by any other means of payment accepted by the Company.

3.3 Any cancellation of a reservation may result in cancellation fees, according to the terms indicated on our website.

4. Transport Conditions

4.1 The Client must be ready at the agreed time and place at the time of booking.

4.2 In case of Client delay, the driver will wait for a reasonable period, after which the Company reserves the right to cancel the reservation and charge cancellation fees.

4.3 The Client is required to comply with safety rules and driver instructions during the ride. Any inappropriate or illegal conduct may result in the immediate termination of the service without refund.

5. Liability

5.1 The Company is committed to providing a safe and reliable transport service. However, it cannot be held responsible for delays, accidents, or incidents beyond its control.

5.2 In case of loss or damage to the Client’s property during transport, the Company’s liability is limited, except in cases of proven fault by the driver.

6. Personal Data

6.1 Client personal information collected during booking is processed in accordance with our privacy policy available on our website.

7. Complaints

7.1 Any complaints regarding the service must be addressed in writing to the Company within 14 days following the date of the ride.

8. Modifications to the General Conditions

8.1 The Company reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time. The changes will be effective upon their publication on our website.

9. Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

9.1 These General Conditions are governed by Belgian law.

9.2 In case of dispute, the courts of [Brussels /territory] will have exclusive jurisdiction.